A little while ago i had the joy of living with my dear friends nirrimi (Nim) hakanson firebrace and matt (m or mittens) caplin.they are known as photographers(billabong,milk and honey,deisel,mok thereom,yen,oyster etc and general non comercial images that stir the heart and inspire countless photographers the world over) and writers/bloggers.we all share a love of adventure,pure beauty,the need to explore the world,nature,falling in love with strangers and perfect moments in time,weather captured on camera or just in your heart.we travelled into sydney as special guests for fashion week(which gave me the chance to be interveiwed on modeling,fashion,art and inspirations by a lovely journalist from my hometown and make a new friend along the way.also having a fleeting 'how has your week so far been' with chanel darling and the most beautiful girl i think know vannessa milde after a show.).we tried to jump into the icy sydney harbour while girls attempted to have pictures taken with an ironically shy nim and exclaim excitedly to matt "ARE YOU 'M'?!".a lovely time but strangly enough i prefere the behind the senes rather than attending shows.we boarded the train home glad to be returning our existence largly consisting in the cocoon of a beautiful two story house overlooking the lush mountains,where we would dance in nightgowns to marie soix,watch classic films like pretty baby.I sit by the roaring fire reading the virgin suicides or peter pan feeling full of warmth and light.i would walk through the tiny town,venturing into tiny and charming antique stores which would end with me buying old editions of dickens and befriending an almost equally as old shopkeeper and her perfectly strange guard cats.my lovely friend hannah from chadwicks joined us for a night,we shot all day and danced in the fresh falling snow and eventually huddled as we sat on the cliff that had become another home as the star lit snow clouds sat in the seemingly hollow abyss bellow.dingoes howled and strange lights where seen in the sky,anything felt possible in this strange and magical peice of nature.one morning nim arose to tell me she had dreamt that she had a baby and already missed her child,i had also dreamed that night that she was a mother.. it turns out,little did we know, that she was already expecting a soon to come alba firebrace.the mountains and it's magic.i can not wait to return soon.bellow is nirrimi's blog entry and pictures of the beautiful place and the shots that where born from my stay.

”penny lane
a few weeks ago, a girl i call penny lane came to stay with us. i could see she had a wandering heart from the very beginning, like she’d never be truly happy unless she was exploring and living.
at nighttime we’d all walk down to the rock overlooking the mountain valleys. as we stepped over tumbling stones and loose dirt on our way to the rock hill, we’d whisper about dreamtime monsters hiding in the trees. all was pitch dark but the curling trails of incense smoke and lit lanterns. everything was deathly still but our breath. we’d wrap ourselves in blankets to keep warm but the cold would still lick at our lips and fingers.
we’d walk home and light the fireplace so that everything was alight and warm, and we’d toast marshmallows or eat hot soup. one night after our walk to the rock it began to snow and the balcony was painted white. i’ve never seen snow before so i ran out like i was ten years old again, in just a dress and stuck my tongue out to taste falling snowflakes. me, penny lane and another pretty girl named hannah jumped around in it and made little snowmen and snowballs and everyone around could hear our excitement.
snow in autumn. i thought it was like magic.
but then one day she had to leave, so we took her to the train station and said sad goodbyes and our home was quiet again.”-we live young http://weliveyoung.blogspot.com/2011/06/penny-lane.html